About us

Ground Tales is primarily a podcast platform founded in 2019 which also delves into multimedia and text stories, and in keeping up with the times experiments with new ways of disseminating information to the wider audiences on various platforms of communication. Covering issues like climate change, environment and stories of indigenous communities, it aims to create a buzz around lesser-discussed yet highly relevant subjects. Through the podcasts Ground Tales aims to reach the masses in both English and Hindi to cater to a larger audience with informative yet engaging content.

A journalist sees and hears many things, some worth being retold, some not so much. Through Ground Tales we bring to you the stories of countless nameless and faceless people who are everyday heroes in their own ways but have no place to showcase their talents, to share their stories and experiences, good, bad and the ugly.

We decided to become the voice of the people who are living books but have no one to listen to their amazing life journey, to the skills they have acquired through experimentation and failures and those who try to be the beacon of hope to those in distress.

During our journeys we found a lot of love, affection, humanity and tales of bravery as well as victory that humbled us. The stories got overshadowed by news of politics and surgical strikes and scandals before even reaching to the mass audiences. The stories may be from the remotest part of the world or from the most elite city. To us, what matters is the story.

At Ground Tales we strive to bridge this gap and bring to you the anecdotes, knowledge, folk tales, songs and what not, through interesting podcasts that you can listen to as you finish your work at the office or clean the house or make a delicious meal for your loved ones.

We hope to reach to each and everyone who shares out love for story telling and listening to stories.

Hope you’ll have a good time on Ground Tales!